Cycles of the Moon: What They Mean for Us and Our Menstrual Cycle

For centuries, people have associated the moon with female energy and fertility, so it's no surprise that the menstrual cycle has also been linked to the lunar phases. There is a clear and consistent relationship between the moon and menstruation, allowing one to sync themselves with the moon and utilize certain behaviors during the different moon phases. 

Understanding the moon cycles Fort Collins therapy

New Moon Phase

The lunar cycle begins with the new moon. The new moon is a resting phase that is often associated with menstruation. During this time, estrogen and progesterone reach their lowest point. Spiritually, this part of the cycle signifies cleansing the mind and body.

Resting Your Body and Mind 

We should consider what we wish to clear out of our bodies and minds as we reach the new moon. It's also a time for self-care. Because of this, our body naturally requests that we shut down during this dark time. During the new moon phase, it's essential to be gentle with yourself - compassionate and clear of any negativity. During this new moon time, we tend to turn inward; we do our inner work and some inner house cleaning. We focus on what we want to release and let go of for this new phase.  

It's essential to see this dark moon time as a gift of rest and deep self-care. In our culture, when we're asked to be slower, to go inward, to be at rest, we tell ourselves that this is not OK. Because we live in a productive world, our capitalist society tells us that productivity is how you gain value. This is, of course, not the case, and it's imperative to see the new moon as a critical time - a gift. 

Reframing Your Menstruation Mindset 

We want to change the notion that it's a curse to bleed or a difficult or annoying time. If you're somebody who menstruates during this dark period in your cycle, start looking at it as an opportunity instead of meeting it with a groan and the idea that you will be tired for the next few days. Try to shift the narrative around this time of inner reflection and darkness. 

The new moon phase is when a woman is at the height of her spiritual powers and ability to connect with creativity and feminine wisdom. Some cultures see this new moon phase as the most important time to meditate and isolate. A wise woman once said, "It's only when in rest that we are able to create." 

When we begin to cycle with nature, for example, the moon, and honor the moon's cycle of our menses, we can work with the overall body and its functions. We can then listen to the body and the whispers of the inner self, even if it seems socially inappropriate. What I mean by that is that we often feel that we want to take some Midol or put a tampon in and keep working with the same level of energy we would at any other time of the month. Instead, I'm suggesting that we allow ourselves to slow down, rest, and not feel we have to be at the same energy level as we do at other phases. Take a break, slow down, breathe, and enjoy this rest period. 

Waxing Crescent Moon Phase

Waxing means to grow bigger, to grow yourself and your passions. This phase is a time of inspiration and occurs from the end of the period to ovulation. Here, the body is beginning to ripen an egg and is symbolically preparing to give birth to someone or something else. Also known as the follicular phase, this is when a woman's energy is likely to be high, and she is focused on the world around her (relationships, family, friends, work, school, activities, projects, etc.) During this time, estrogen is rising, which favors outer focus instead of the previous cycle when we are focusing on the inner world. 

Growing Moon Growing Mind

Women during this time are filled with enthusiasm and new ideas making it a good time for new projects and new creations. Because the moon is now visible, it indicates that we are at a time of objective manifestation. This is when we can actually think about what we want to create for this new cycle. We clear everything out during our dark moon phase, and now the moon has come out and allows us to manifest as we prepare for the full moon. It's a phase of spontaneous and instinctual action as the waxing moon appears just after sunset, with the sun's light refracting around the earth's curve. 

Often, we want to ask ourselves how to harness this creativity, this energy, this outward focus and set an intention for harnessing this energy and outward focus. This is also when you may feel more sexual interest or sensual desire due to your outward focus making this an excellent time to think about or engage in intimacy. 

Related Reading: Everything You want to Know About Sexuality and Sensuality: Advice From A Sex Therapist

Understanding the moon cycles Fort Collins therapy

Full Moon Phase

While the full moon sometimes becomes associated with wild energies and the supernatural, it is a receptive phase. Occurring during the ovulation period, this is a time when the cervical mucus allows the sperm to enter easily. Often, this is a period when the vagina is naturally producing lubrication for women who are still in their menses. It intensifies more sexual feelings as the pheromones that make a woman more attractive start to come out. This makes the woman more receptive to others and new ideas, such as involving themselves in more activity and mingling their energy with others. 

Using the Full Moon to Reach Your Full Potential 

This phase is internalized in our culture as the best time of the month. This is that one time of the month that we can capitalize on the energy we are receiving. This is because our societal and patriarchial messages tell us that doing and being active and sexual are the best ways for a woman to be all the time. 

During this time, you may ask yourself how you can connect to your desires. You may wonder how you can be in service of creation. 

During the last phase, we were thinking about what we wanted to create, and this is the time when this concept gets birthed. This is when the idea of creating comes to its fullness, just like the moon - ripe and ready for picking. Once we are prepared to, we take that action and turn it into something in our lives, whether that be a new art project, trying a new sexual position, cooking and presenting an amazing dinner, or even taking yourself on a hike and finally having the energy to do so. This is when we want to harness the energy of the moon and harness the energy of our ovulation to turn it into something action-oriented, allowing us to look at our lives and say, "OK, I'm doing this. It's an active time. This is a time of doing."

Understanding moon cycles Fort Collins therapy

Waning Moon Phase

The moon is moving from full to dark. As the moon wanes so does its elemental power. This is the extroverted and reflective phase. This occurs from ovulation to the beginning of the menstrual cycle. During the luteal phase, estrogen is constant, and progesterone rises. Progesterone has a calming and introspective effect allowing us to turn inward and towards the self, making this a time to come back to that dark moon and prepare to go inward.

Reflection and Introspection

Since we aren't really in yet, we start to evaluate what worked in the last cycle and what needs to change during this phase. This is a time to journal, meditate, to take long walks. You may feel slow, moody, or beat yourself up for feeling lethargic. It's important to remember that this is your premenstrual phase, so you're starting to feel that shift in your hormones. This is a time to access inner guidance, which, if not paid attention to, can cause PMS to get intense, causing more cramps and discomfort. According to the spiritual realm, PMS may signify that we are not listening to our inner guidance. Think of your cramps and pain as our inner guidance screaming out for attention. 

The waning moon phase is an essential time for us to think about everything that just happened in the complete moon cycle. We ask ourselves what was released in the new moon, what we percolate on and want to create during the follicular phase, and what we birthed in the ovulation phase. Now that we are completing that cycle, we are coming to a premenstrual place. This is when we want to ask ourselves, what is this shadow time going to teach me? What is it going to show me? What do I want to think about as I move into the darkness and go into this tranquil, introverted place?

I like to see our moodiness, our PMS, and whatever else comes up (I tend to get more agitated) as an opportunity to ask ourselves what our bodies are telling us about our shadow selves. Try not to blame those moods on your period and ask yourself what this tells you about your unconscious self. What information can you see from your moodiness and take it as an opportunity to do the more profound work during your dark moon phase, where you get to be in total stillness and darkness with yourself. 

Final Thoughts

The physical connection to the moon and its cycles can be for anyone, not just people with vulvas, vaginas, or people who menstruate. This is for any person who identifies with the moon cycles or any person who identifies as female. This is an opportunity for us to tune in to the cyclical nature of being alive. 

Being alive is not linear. The human condition is cyclical, and we can connect with the moon cycle or the cycle of the seasons and use those to help us decide how much energy, movement, or creation we want to exude. If we are constantly asking ourselves to be at the same level of creation, productivity, and sexual energy, we're going to burn out. 

As a therapist, so many of my clients burn out from trying to live like that all the time. What if we embrace the cycles? What if we embrace moving into darkness, doing less, resting? And let these things come in waves. What if we allowed ourselves to ebb and flow? How would things be different? How could we utilize the moon cycles to help us achieve more of that flow with nature, flow with our energy cycles, flow with our hormone cycles, and flow with the seasons?

To learn more about connecting your body with nature, sign up for the Reflective Healing newsletter or request a free consultation for more information on sex, sensuality, and intimacy therapy in Fort Collins.


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